Ideas To Get A Job in SAP As A Fresher.
There is a question among the freshers that will they get job if they pursue and complete any models of SAP. And will they be getting jobs in the companies?
Freshers who are pursuing SAP course seriously then they should read this article without miss.
Ans: For a fresher, if he completes and has expertise in that particular module of SAP will get a job in MNC companies.
2ndly What are the main things to be done by a fresher to get a job in companies?
Ans:1)Before joining to any course firstly you have to research about the course, gather and research about the SAP related courses. Which gives more detailing about the course and its requirement in the current scope in market. You can gather information from internet or from your friends and also from your contacts who are working professionals, and those who are working in SAP processes, IT professionals. And get clear info about the courses.
2)After you decide to join this course the second important step that you need to follow is to choose which SAP module suits you and make firm which module that you should prefer. and must have clarity in it. There are more than 40+ Modules in SAP in that most commonly used modules are FICO,MM,SD,PP,HR,HCM,WM,PM. Based on your strength, qualifications,skillsets you decide that which module is suitable for you, this is all about 2nd important step that you must consider.
3)Next important step is that where to get TRAINING?.
This is the very important point that you should consider, you can take training from the individual trainer and also from training institute, both online and offline mode of training is provided, which ever training is convenient to you that mode of training you can select. Here the important thing is where & from whom do you get training, their experience & knowledge in SAP training. You should properly research about the trainer and the training centers before you choose. Before joining the institute you should research about the free resources available and you can also refer to websites like Guru99.com, another free resources available platform that all know is Youtube Platform where you can get guidance from professional trainers, they have provided you with the commonly used SAP modules.After considering the above points and then if you are confident about pursuing the course then only choose online or offline based training. Here are some of the important paid sites where you can get SAP training are ATOS and is the official training partner of SAP and you can get training from here.The course training fees for a consultant level is around 2 lakh to 3 lakhs, certification cost is around 50000. If you visit SAP official website there you can find and get the complete information of the Certification.You can get training from any institute but apply the SAP certification through their authorized Portal SAP.COM. Here the present price for the SAP certification attempts is for single attempt the cost is around 16646 and for six attempts the cost is around 41616. So you can get online and offline training about the course and thus you can get authorized certification by applying in SAP.COM. Reasonable cost in online platforms are Udemy,SKILL SHARE,tutorials point.com, you can avail training from these websites and their training fees is reasonable and is around 350 to 3000 rupees.
4)After getting training the next important step you should do is to try for internship, live projects and should to lot of practices, most of the students after completion of 3 to 4 months of training they get disconnected from the training institute and do not focus on SAP softwares and this is the big mistake, so you must have the software and should practice seriously which is very important, try for internships and live projects which will give you hands on experience you should thus focus on improving your skill and be strong in the skills. If you are getting the certification and you are expecting to get the job it is not possible. Recruiter will observe your skill and will hire the skilled candidates so thus you should practice & master the SAP module.
5)The next important step you should consider is you should build strong,attractive,effective CV. For this you should approach professional and get their guidance and you can get info from different platforms regarding building a proper CV. In you effective CV you can update it with your SAP projects,Internships done,Live projects,Academic achievements and mention it properly.
6)After preparing the affective CV you can use social media channels to connect, platforms like Linkedin, Indeed, Naukri, create account in these sites so it helps you to connect and reach with HR,MNC companies, Recruiters through which you can have good communication and helps you to build network.
7)Next step is if you are called for interview process, how should you prepare for the interview. You should know what is the expectation of the recruiter and what does the company expects from the freshers and you must have the clarity.Recruiters do not expect Multi Level skills but expects skills regarding the course which you have studied.You must be strong in your fundamentals.There are other factors that is considered by the recruiter other than your skills but also on your mindset, attitude which is nothing but your confidence and how you handle the pressure, and how many years do you serve to the company.These are all some of the questions considered by the recruiter.Be prepared for mandatory question like Tell Me About Yourself? From Here To After 5 Years Where Do You Want To See Yourself? Why Should We Hire YOU?. Be well prepared and confident about mandatory questions. They might ask your ask you whether you have any questions and thus you can ask them about your interview feedback and it helps you to improvise yourself.
There is more challenges for Freshers who have completed the SAP course , it is not sure that you be getting job after attending one or more interviews unless you are confident,perfect and give the interviews confidently there will be less chances of selection , so you must have the mindset that there is the chances of attending one to five interviews to get a job.Try to give you 100% efforts in each interview. After getting the job, upgrade yourself by learning new technologies and should develop the learning process.