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5 Important Tips To Get Job after Career Gap

Don't Let Down Yourself If You Have Career Gap!!

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A Fresher, Working Employee, suppose in his career because of some reason if “GAP” is created. How to get a job after the gap? What are the possibilities to get the job after the gap? There are so many steps to be followed to get a job after having a gap. In this article, I would recommend 5 important tips, if you follow these steps it will definitely guide you to get a job even if you are having gap in career. 

Common Questions Of The Persons Who Are Having A Career Gap

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  1. Am I eligible to get the job if I have a gap after past work? 

      Definitely, you are eligible for work.

 2. Will companies prefer it ?

     For this question i would like to tell you that in life due to so many reasons there will be gap in the career for example health issues, preparation for govt exams , to look after their parents, because of marriage, to look after family business then they realize about that this sector does not belong to him/her. So due to the above mentioned reason there will be a gap in their career.So as per the Employees or HR  perspective he will definitely not consider your gap but will consider skillset, employability, stability. If you are strong in these 3 factors then the recruiter will take it into consideration even if you have a gap and will recruit you.

Tips To Be Implemented

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1st very important thing you should do when you are having a career gap is to STOP FEELING GUILTY about yourself, remove that feeling and focus on how to attain a job. Where you have got a gap start from there if you are not experienced then start as fresher. If you are not interested in jobs that are related to your studies. Then you should start researching and shortlist the jobs which suit your passion, interest, strength, skills, ability, and qualification and select those jobs which are trending in the current market and which are high-paying jobs. Coming to experienced persons who have ended your work and those who want to continue in the same work after a gap should make the preparations related to the previous field and update your skills relating to your previous work. Suppose you are looking to change your field then follow the above-said points, do the required preparations and research and skills acquisition to get your desired work. The gap which you have should not be an excuse, suppose you are having a 1 or 2 years gap you should be able to get replaced by  your skill set. See if you are having negative thinking that you are having a gap which also might turn into a positive way for example if you have passed out in the year 2018 and have a gap or else now you are not working and have a 2 years gap. Suppose you have passed out in 2018 and a candidate who passed out in 2020 and you both give an interview, suppose in skill set, employability if your score is 20 then the person who passed out in 2020 has scored 18.So definitely 2018 passed out person who has scored 20 will be selected. So after the gap don’t worry! try to build proper potentials and skills for the required job.

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2nd important thing is to BUILD a STRONG RESUME. So building a strong polished resume would give a bonus or the advantage for your career growth.

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3rd important thing is NETWORK AND CONNECTIONS. You should build your network connections in social platforms like Linkedin, Indeed, Monster and other job oriented websites , you must be active in such job portals.So having good touch with family, friends and with working professionals , checking or asking them regarding any job openings so that it would help you to find a preferable job. Should have confidence in you that you have skills and you are ready to work.When you attend an interview the recruiter definitely ask questions on the gap , because on their perspective they need a valid reason for the gap and suppose if i hire him will he be productive for the company and thus they need a genuine answer from your side. So in reply don’t fake be frank and tell him what actually caused the gap. Answer should be in such away that you should not feel guilty about it.Be open and genuine with your reasons so that it would be the best part where the recruiter wishes to hire you.If in case you are not selected then the reason might not be your gap but your skill sets & potentiality.Or their profile does not match your potentials.Be confident in your answers.

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4th important thing is START FREELANCE JOBS. Gain experience through working as a trainer in the institute or else work for small salary in the companies initially , If you get the internship opportunities take the work , by this you will be strong in your subject wise , skills will be improvised and by the time you join your new job the recruiter will definitely select based upon your previous works and potentiality. From here you are ready to do the job with no more excuses as done in the past .Completely focussed on work. Recruiters have the option to hire the freshers immediately like wise an experienced cannot be hired until his notice periods ends.

So by considering these points be positive and get the best results in the interview. 


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