Facebook Stratergy In Building Their Empire

What is Social Media?
Social Media is a software system, with the help of this software system it helps to transfer data such as messages, information, data, and content from one device to another device the media between one device to another device or from person to person is called Social Media. Whether it is a video call, SMS, voice call any information provider is a software system.Â
History of Social Media?
This started on May 24, 1844 in that period with the help of electronic telegraphic machine using dot and tap to send message from one device to another device. After completion of 100+ years. In 1969 with the help of Advance Research Project Agency Network (ARPANET) different universities scientist with their collaborated works built software, hardware, content and through its help developed internet and social media and made more recognition. In 1987 National Science Federation (NSF) which made internet come into existence, this organization gave Robust System Layout structure to the Internet development. In 1997 world’s first social media networking site six degree.com was started and it was started by Andrew Weinreich. Through six degree.com one could create the account with the help of their gmail account and could create personnel account and also create friends list and could start various services. Six degree.com could last for only 4 years from (1997 to 2001) . In 2001 social media gaming network platform called friendster came into existence. In 2002 Linkedin a professional network was started, in this platform there is more than 600 to 700 millions of users today. In 2003 My Space was started which was social media networking platform , it was very famous at that time and had overtacked Yahoo & Google and was overtaken myspape by facebook in 2008. In the year 2004 Mark Zukerburg at harvard university for his community he developed or started social media platform called Facebook. By keen observation by google on facebook activities google started its own social media platform called Google+ in the year 2012 after that in the year 2018 it shut down Google+ because of the of data breach of its 500000 Users. It was not that famous as well as it had less users and was also not user friendly. In 2005 Orkut started, before facebook usage in India, people used Orkut more. This is all about history.
Why is Facebook famous?
Let us see how Facebook became famous and how it gained its popularity. All these social media networking platforms came into existence from 1990 to current years, but those which survived, sustained and are popularly known and when we think of social media then those platform are Facebook, Instagram and Whatsapp its head or parental firm is Meta. This Meta or Facebook why and how did it survive? What are its logics and reasons are as follows:
1)Facebook is easy to use & user friendly & engaging features, when compared to twitter the common factor is it is a social media platform , the complicated features in Twitter are not seen in Facebook. With the help of name, phone no, email on can create facebook account after creating the facebook account next what is our interest whether it is movie, song, educational qualification, personnel information save the information there and build your network and the user interface is easy when compared to other platforms , with the help of @ the rate symbols you can tag your friends and also share and message activities , in recent changes you can do voice chat, video chat and use new updated features in Facebook. So compared to other platforms this Facebook platform full fills the requirements, and functions that is required by the people. These functionalities are adopted by Facebook in their software system.
2)Frequent Updates : When you see the history of the facebook from 2004 to the current year the interface of facebook is updated and advanced. Firstly checking your personnel profile there was no news feed, timeline and was updated recently. Like wise facebook was only meant for web format and when mobile or smartphones usage was more , it launched to apps to mobiles also. There on its been shifted to virtual reality, augmented reality and is now shifting to Meta Verse In those days people used to watch more image formats but in recent days image content is not watched by the people and given more importance to video contents.
3)Acquisition: Till now Facebook stands as biggest company in the social media platform , because they have acquired other social media platforms and other competitive companies, Facebook purchased whatsapp taken for 19 Billion Dollars and was a record, like wise facebook purchased Instagram for 1 Billion Dollars. They also acquired those companies who are booming in the social media platform.
4)Algorithm & Content: From 2004 to till date all the activities done by its users are tracked and observed closely and thus helped in reaching and delivering their advertisements.It also observes which content is looked or searched by the people and their interests and what they share more and their activities. On their interstitial behavior facebook shoe their ads to their respected users.Â
5)Advertisement: When the organic reach decline, on that time business adopted social media platforms to advertise. With the help of facebook advertisement the market share or income of the facebook grew very well.
These are the reasons why social media platforms gained its importance in this digital world and also how the facebook empire was built.